Customer Reviews
In this new website everyone can give their comments about our site and backing tracks at the product pages when logged in. And we would like to ask you to please do add your reviews and comments to let us and others know what you think!
Below you will find some general reviews :
Hi Bobby,
I’m sure you’ve heard this many times, but I felt it needed to be said. In all my years of performing tracks I have purchased over the internet (from many many companies), I honestly feel yours are right up there with the best I have ever heard.Fantastic arrangements, playing and overall quality.
Well done, and thank you. I am really going to enjoy performing these tracks.
You have no idea what a treat it is for me to be challenged everyday by the virtual rainbow of sounds you send me.
It’s making me a better player.
Thanks a million bro, seriously.
Thanks Bobby. The tracks are absolutely brilliant! Very pleased indeed with the quality and prompt customer service. Will definitely be purchasing again soon ?
Thanks again!
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Bobby,
It’s been a real blessing meeting you and your tune ?
I’m a musician and a photoreporter in Italy.
I use to play in schools, religious institutes and also in clubs and venues. And your tracks just suits perferctly in my tastes: I’m a sax player, funky-Stevie-fusion-Gospel oriented.
Today a ordered and jammed with all the tracks I had just bought and… WHAT A BLAST !!
I couldn’t cope with my fingers on my alto and tenor babies!!
Well: enough said 😀 Bobby, really been a pleasure.See ya soon!Marco
LightTime Studio
Hi Bobby,
Wow, that was a quick reply, and personnal, too !
Please forward to your musicians my congratulations on the fantastic job your they have done. Really awsome, given that some songs are extremely challenging to play.
Now I can fulfill my dream : I’ve always wanted to be the lead guitarist in the Pat Metheny Group !Keep up with the good work !
Best, Pascal
Thanks a lot Bobby….. love your superior tracks.
Yours are the only ones I’d spend money on!!! My standards are high!!!!!!!
Great Site
Very Best,
Chris (elmoslack)
Hi Bobby, I just want to thank you for the music tracks. I went to play a gig yesterday (Saturday night), it was a hit. They loved your music tracks, all I played last night was your music tracks. I got so much compliment from the people in the event (they made me play all the songs all over again). THANK YOU,THANK YOU and Thank you!!!! You the man Bobby!!!!
Edwin USA
Hi Bobby,Great backing tracks!!! Happy Independence Day!
Alphonse Mouzon/ NYC
Hi Bobby, Your tracks are awesome. Musicians and music lovers have told me your tracks are the absolute best out there and I have hipped them to your website. I am interested in purchasing 3 custom tracks for guitar.
Mark /USA
“You do have the most hip tracks on the net, and I’ve done some real digging.”
Robert Eckert USA
“Thanks a lot for these fantastic play alongs. Good job!”
Burkhardt GERMANY
“Best investment I’ve spent on tracks in a long time! Bobby is a talented musician who really knows how to take a classic/familiar groove/track and add a new refreshing vibe/feel. Love it! All the parts/changes are spot on. I recommend these tracks to everyone. The most frequent question I get when I play these tracks out…”Where did you get your tracks, they sound great!”. Bobby’s Backing Tracks are the WAV (or mp3, lol) of the future! Karaoke, Schramoke!”
William Colletti USA
“I’m passing the word around like crazy about your great products. Just finished talking to a Jazz Singer a friend of mine in NYC. I played some of your songs I bought over the phone. She couldn’t believe the quality of the sound and arrangements!
Oscar USA
Wow, very ambitious and beautiful. Dude you are doing GREAT work!
Garth Webber USA ( Guitarist/ Miles Davis)
“Thank You mucho for the great tracks!!! Thank you for going the extra mile !!!”
“Your backing tracks are the better I have ever heard !! Thank you very much for this impressive job from you and your team ! See you next time on your web-site !”
Charles FRANCE
“I just discovered your site , your backing tracks are definately among the best I’ve found. Great instrumentation! Your new loyal customer.”
Jeff USA
“The best thing is for a musician is to play with other musicians,and the better the musicians be the better for you. Because the harmonies,and the melodies will give the right way,and the rhythm will introduce you in the groove properly,and with these things together , it suggests and it moves your soul to get out the best of you.
But not always you can get this situation to practice,to try ideas, to fly and to create.
With Bobby’s Backing tracks you get the closest situation,with a couple of mouse clicks in the moment that you need.
I had never listened something like this,well done,suggestive,absolute good taste,with the right harmonies, the right rhythms, the perfect arrangement, for every song.
Every time i listen the Bobby’s backing tracks, I cannot refuse to play, fly, try, create and practice, they are the greatest, they are top.
Thank you Bobby to do this possible.”“Pero no siempre tiene uno la oportunidad de que se de esta situación. Para poder practicar ,probar, volar y crear. Con las Bobby’s Backing tracks han conseguido acercarse a esta sensacion,con un par de clicks de ratón y en el momento que te apetezca. Nunca habia escuchado algo asi,de bien hecho,de sugerente,de gusto absoluto,con las armonias y los ritmos adecuados,y el arreglo perfecto,segun para que tema.Cada vez que escucho las backing tracks de Bobby,no puedo resistirme a tocar,volar,probar,crear y practicar,son ideales,son lo mas.
Gracias Bobby por hacer posible esto.”
Carlos Camarasa SPAIN
“The perfect addition for my solo gig, thanks a trillion!”
Justin Copp UK
“Wonderful Tonight.
Very similar to the live unplugged version which is a little slower than the original.The intro & outro are not the same though with some different chords. I always thought of this track as a little cheesy but not this version I really enjoy playing it. Proper ending to.”
Paul Rumbol UK
“I got all the Metheny’s tunes and they are absolutely wonderful! Much joy in playing with the back tracks and surely is a very good way to learn all the songs in order to play them live. Very good job indeed!!”
Alessandro Maiorca ITALY
“This is the right choice if you want to find the super quality backing track. Thank Bobby to made this. Very impressive! Bless!”
Vinai Trinateepakdee THAILAND
“I bought this track (Song For Jeff) a few weeks ago because I needed it for my guitar Workshops. And I was really surprised how good it was recorded: Superb sound quality and excellent musicians. It’s like you’re playing with Luke’s band! ;- Good work, Bobby!”
Guido Bungenstock GERMANY
“Got the Minus One Bass Grand Slam last week, and was blown away by the quality of the tracks,as someone who’s spent the time with Logic, Digidesign, etc, I can tell ya a ton of time and effort went into these tracks. Superb MP3 quality, great mixing, these are the Bomb. This guy really knows his stuff! Been a blast playing with them, makes 100% learning new tunes, and adding these songs to my book so effortless. I totally recommend this to any musician who wants to totally tighten his/her s__t. Practice without the band has never been such a creamy joy…”
Matt Thailand
“I’m not a U2 fan at all but this is a good song & Bobbys arrangement is really nice with some good chord substitutions. The feel reminds me of some of the mid tempo funk grooves that Miles used to do.Cool rhodes & is that tabla in the background? Great fretless bass playing that just stops short of stealing the show. Good proper ending to.”
Paul Rumbol UK
“Hello there, this “Affirmation” backing track sounds really great, I love George Benson and there is nothing around that good to practice with; I also purchased Sleepwalk ( L. Carlton version ) that I’ve always dreamed to play along with since I was teen. I’m really happy to have found you mates, when I’m not with the band, I site down at my place and I enjoy your top quality tracks. Keep up the good work.”
Pietro Marchesi ITALY
“This is great! Quite simply one of the best and most accurate Pat Metheny backing tracks I’ve come across. It has all of the nuances of the real track, even the strange pop just before the main melody starts!. I’ve often wondered if Pat would ever get round to doing a set of play a longs of his stuff, especially after releasing his extensive songbook. Finding Bobby’s Backing Tracks has meant the wait is over! I shall be coming back for more…..hopefully future updates will include tunes like ‘Have You Heard’, ‘Bright Size Life’, ‘So May it Secretly Begin’ or any of the hundreds of great Metheny tunes there are to chose from.”
Martin Cartwright UK
“My Cherie Amour”
Chill bossa like version of a Stevie classic, with nice electric piano vibe and percussion variations, I especially like the tablas spicing up the groove.
Gibran USA
“Bobby’s Backing Tracks are like a breath of fresh air! The best selection backing tracks available. All the music has feel, not the robotic midi programmed karaoke music that’s around on the internet. Instrumentalists and vocalist will all gain from these tracks. Bobby’s Backing Tracks are the real deal.Thanks for fixing the problem with the file downloads. Your backing tracks are excellent! Expert programming and sequencing. I will be buying more from you soon.”
Vince Gould USA
“Don’t You Worry About a Thing”
Love this track, fit’s into my Latin or R&B repertoire.Super playing throughout & very groovy.Very similar arrangement to the original but a semitone higher unless my ears are mistaken.Good proper ending.
Paul Rumbol/UK
“I am a veteran Italian Jazz guitarist, who used to practice in the past several musical bases, from the little credibility to those in the MIDI format Aebersold Jazz, but when I accidentally came across the site “” was left stunned by the warmth and realism contained in all the tracks that have been able to build the many talented musicians. The catalog of tracks Play-a-long is vast and genre, but each song is arranged perfectly, I think that will satisfy all needs me as a jazz musician, well I bought 78 tracks of jazz and I’m so excited about being able to find so many beloved songs has always been one for all “If I Could” by Pat Metheny, who in his high quality arrangement is able to elicit the same emotional transport when you listen to the original song. I am delighted to have become a regular customer of Bobbysbackingtracks, which almost weekly increases its catalog with new tracks, give precise information on directly to my email address. I really recommend to anyone looking for a professional backing tracks to visit and appreciate the “Listen To The Tracks – Audio Samples” and the videos in “Look” in which talented musicians to begin using some great songs.”
Robert Passaro, Francavilla Fontana (Brindisi), Italy
“Whats Goin On”
“Perfect. Sounds very similar to the original & who can complain as it’s one of the best soul tunes ever recorded. Builds well, great playing & mix.”
Paul Rumbol/UK
“The time saved with these very high quality backing tracks as opposed to the endless adjustments to midi files is what really stands out as more than worth the purchase. To go along with that, Bobby has great ears and the talent to figure a tune’s essence and go beyond with fidelity and orchestration. A demand is placed on the soloist play to play as hard and intensely as the arrangement. I have especially enjoyed the Pat Metheny tunes and after his recent tour with the Orchestrion project, see the idea of backing tracks as artistically viable for performance anywhere. Again, the time saved over midi files is great practice time woodshedding for solo gigs.”
Robert Eckert, Monterey Bay, California
“I love Every Little Thing About You”
Lush rendition of Stevie’s classic track with a great swirling rhodes piano sound and smooth synthy bass line.
Gibran USA
I really like this track, totally different to any version I’ve heard & great fun to play along to.It’s in the original key of F but with some more interesting jazzy changes.Good proper ending too.
Paul Rumbol UK
“Man! I’ve got your tracks! I’m hearing it right now, Rock With You; I LOVE IT!! You are the master of backing tracks, mate!!! I never heard something so beautiful in this matter! Man! I have to have them all! I’ll be your best customer!! A BIG HUG FROM OSLO!!!THANKS AGAIN, MY FRIEND!! I will thank Camarasaurus for his contribution to let the “whole world” know about you!!”
“A Day In The Life”
This is a really cool version of a classic with its down tempo back beat. turns “A Day in the Life” into smooth Sade-like dance track. Super lush keyboard accompaniment with piano, electric piano, and organ along with bobby’s sparkling acoustic guitar gives this track a great vibe.
Gibran USA
I had been looking for a solid non-cheesy rendition of Spain. This track is smokin’ with plenty of room to stretch out and get into the song. Well received by my audience! Great job Bob!
Bill USA
“The site looks great, the tracks sound fabulous, and I loved the video section. As soon as I get time, I‘ll post a vid with me singing to one of your grrrooovy tracks!!! Best of success to you – well deserved!!”
Aloha from Maui, “Peemer”
“Phase Dance is great .I will be jamming with it this weekend with the other songs you made.”
Revelle Smith USA
“Calling You”
Lovely track, a haunting tune that is given a nice mellow groove with some cool changes.I’ve performed this track live with this backing quite a few times now & it’s gone down very well. It’s one of those tunes that is not hugely well known but everyone seems to love it.
Paul Rumbol/UK